Profile PictureJames Morris

Build Better UX

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Build Better UX


Hey there, fellow maker! 

I’ve been making websites and digital products for twenty years. About eight years ago, I jumped from engineering to design and have since worked at Buffer and SoundCloud

How an app works and looks is important, but how it  is what keeps people around. It's a great experience that results in more engagement, retention and referral.

By using zero jargon, I want to introduce you to core concepts and techniques from the field of user experience design. I want you to think differently about what you're building by putting your users first.

Who is this for?

For indie hackers, bootstrappers and entrepreneurs who are making their own web or mobile apps. The concepts and techniques should be universal to both.

What will I learn?

To show you the power of user experience design and how it can take your app from being just an interface to being a living, breathing experience that your users will love.

Using words, diagrams and narratives, I want to get you thinking more like a designer without overloading you with complex jargon. 

What does this course cover?

  • User experience design techniques and methodologies with zero jargon
  • Think more like a designer so you can make the right choices
  • Make better experiences that result in more engagement, retention and referrals

What is included?

Access to a website containing lessons powered by text, diagrams and narratives. I will be continually working on this to make it the best it can be. All future updates are completely free of charge.

  • Build experiences, not interfaces
  • Find your user’s positive outcome
  • Walk in the shoes of your users
  • Navigation as contexts
  • Constantly orientate your users
  • Every screen has weight
  • If they’re related, group them
  • Determine what is primary and secondary
  • Give clear feedback
  • Make every decision feel light
  • Turn every negative into a positive
  • Speak their language
  • Lean on what’s gone before
  • Further learning

Even after the first release, the contents will be continually improved on, based on feedback, meaning that what you pay today becomes more valuable over time.

Who is ideal for this content?

  • You are an indie hacker, bootstrapper or entrepreneur making your own app
  • You have a good idea of what problem you’re solving already
  • You have a good idea of who you’re building for
  • You are already building something or just starting it

What does this content not cover?

  • This will cover research methods
  • This will cover visual design

What if I'm not happy with the contents?

I want you to be completely satisfied, as this is a two-way thing. If you're not happy, contact me within 30-days of receiving the contents and get a full refund. No worries!

I want to help you build better experiences for your users — James ✌️

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Build better experiences, not just interfaces, that your users will love.

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